ok. back to blog after a long absence. many things happened, which explains la. anyway. yes. its the start of a new sch term. which bloody hell means another 16 weeks of shit, shit and more shit. but then again, looking at the bright side, 16 weeks will pass by damn quickly. so. yeah. nothing to worry about there. lol. n yes. making use of the deepavali and hari raya holidays as a reason(or excuse, for that matter), i went for a short trip to japan. damn. its a bloody nice place. nice weather, nice food, nice scenery, and best of all, the trip was free and easy. which means, no need to bother with those stupid tour groups who give u specific times for u to report back and stuff. do things own time own target. sometimes i really wonder how ppl can stand going out on such tours -_- and yes. before ending, would like to add on that i went to the usual hangout on sat. saw many long lost frens. y do i say that? simple. all of them went to become slaves of the government. in short, its called ns. was making fun of the botak head, etc etc. lol. but soon, it will be my turn la. duh. yes. with that, this entry has come to a close. till next time, byebye
the guy
Name: Alvin
Age: 21+
DOB: 121587
1. Member, Team Ny3oC
2. Anime Otaku
3. Dorama freak
- Sleeping
- Eating
- Watching doramas
- Gaming
- Daydreaming
- To be with dear forever
- Nissan Silvia Spec-R
- That the world isnt so fucking political
- All my frens to be okay
Lalaland aka Jolynn
Tong Lam

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