another update. went down to lot1 on sat for the ugc qualifiers. when reach there, everything finish liao -_- well. wat to do. the weather damn nice to sleep ma. so i woke up at 1530. n the stupid thing is, i took a cab there somemore -_- nvm. after that, got a ride in roop's car to atrium, along with ryo, shini, boss n rudolph. the ride was damn power packed. lots of fun. then reached atrium, went to find the regular guys, went for dinner at kfc. after that, i did something new. went to roop's house for mahjong. heheh. went with shini, ryo n boss. played 2 rounds only. but guess how long we took? 7hrs plus -_- y? cos got quite alot of rounds ended up in draw. lol. then, took the first lrt home. first time i did that sia. lol. then in the afternoon, wanted to go dte for the qualifiers, but again, the weather was jus too nice to sleep. so, carried on sleeping till about 2015 like that. after that, usual stuff from there la. gaming, school, etc. shall update sometime this week again. bye~
the guy
Name: Alvin
Age: 21+
DOB: 121587
1. Member, Team Ny3oC
2. Anime Otaku
3. Dorama freak
- Sleeping
- Eating
- Watching doramas
- Gaming
- Daydreaming
- To be with dear forever
- Nissan Silvia Spec-R
- That the world isnt so fucking political
- All my frens to be okay
Lalaland aka Jolynn
Tong Lam

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