hmmm. dunno how to start. nothing much to say. life has been pretty routine yea. f-ed up at times too. but, good thing is that theres someone that i can share it with. the troubles, happy times, sad times n all. the past 8 months plus have been a pretty whirlwind time for us though. lots of ups n downs. i mean, which couple doesnt have that? if theres a couple that has a smooth sailing relationship from the start, there has to be a problem somewhere. i know im being an asshole by saying that but, its freedom of speech man. the truth hurts. if u dun like it, f off. it jus shows that ure not mature enough to accept life. yea. most importantly, a good relationship has to come from both sides. both have to learn to give n take, care for each others feelings. yea. jus like in buildings. the foundation mus be strong. the building can look magnificent from the outside. but, if the foundation is weak, it will still collapse someday. pardon me for typing the post so weirdly. i cant think properly now yea. thats all for now. till then bye
the guy
Name: Alvin
Age: 21+
DOB: 121587
1. Member, Team Ny3oC
2. Anime Otaku
3. Dorama freak
- Sleeping
- Eating
- Watching doramas
- Gaming
- Daydreaming
- To be with dear forever
- Nissan Silvia Spec-R
- That the world isnt so fucking political
- All my frens to be okay
Lalaland aka Jolynn
Tong Lam

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